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Von 26.11.2020 11:24:11

Completely Free advertising, submit your site now and start getting new visitors. Visit:

K www 26.11.2020 18:11:15

Hello there, I hope you do not mind me reaching out to you, I'm Kim Bradley from malware removal and website optimization experts, I was browsing on Google, however, when I clicked over to your site, I noticed it seemed slow to load. Does this usually happen for you too? As a website security and site optimization expert, I'm connecting to see if I can assist you. If you are not the person to contact I would be extremely grateful if you could pass this message on. Over the past year, I have fixed and optimized over 650 individual sites - including as a result of hidden malware - so I wanted to reach out to you to in case my completely free industry leading 25 point site vulnerability and performance optimization check would be helpful. As I suggested, I think that your website doesn't seem to be running quite as well as it could be, caused most often - in my experience - by not optimizing your web site images, javascript or use of caching and, sometimes - unfortunately - malware. I'm sure you already know users and search engines prefer faster, well optimized websites, increasing conversions, search engine rankings, and reducing visitor page abandonment and bounce rates. I've found many website owners spend thousands to develop their web site, but just like with cars,it is easy to skip the regular servicing, leaving your web site vulnerable to performance and security issues, which can result in website malware attacks, losing you actual money and clients. That's why, for your peace of mind, I would like to invite you to have my free industry leading 25 point website security and performance optimization audit today. If a free website vulnerability and performance optimization check would be helpful the only way to take me up on this is to go to right now, select the free 25 point website vulnerability check on the home page, and our group of optimization and malware removal specialists can review your site. You can do it in under one minute. Regardless of the platform your site runs on (like WordPress, or any other) we can help you. Check out my colleague Brad's short video on our home page to understand more about who we are, what we do,how we work & see if we are a good fit for you. You can easily take advantage - like the hundreds of other happy site owners - who have had their web site reviewed so it is an optimized, blazing fast, stress-free asset, not a liability. So, do not forget, go to by clicking on the web link listed below to take advantage of my completely free 25 point website vulnerability and performance optimization check now. And if you use me for any other site vulnerability and performance work, all my solutions include a 30-Day money-back guarantee! So, to secure your completely free industry leading 25 point site vulnerability and performance optimization check for, visit now. With best regards Kim Bradley Website Protector at After you visit our site and watch Brad's video, please do reach out to me via our support desk if you have any questions. Finally, if this is not of interest, please accept my apologies and email your site URL to so you are not contacted again. I hope you have a great day.

Mammie 03.12.2020 17:51:42

Advertise your online business, local shop/service or blog without paying a dime. This post will show you 5 cool ways to get free unlimited ads for your business:

Florida 05.12.2020 12:25:58

Completely Free advertising, submit your site now and start getting new visitors. Visit:

Janette 05.12.2020 12:59:49

Do you want more people to visit your website? Get tons of keyword targeted visitors directly to your site. Boost revenues fast. Start seeing results in as little as 48 hours. To get info Visit:

Berry 16.12.2020 14:26:23

If you are looking for a money-making website as your main business or you are looking to make a small passive income, Builderall website builder is one of the best value for money website builder software available. >>START HERE YOUR 7 DAY FREE TRIAL - 7 SEO Steps To Rank Your New Builderall Website On Google. >>START HERE -

Callie 17.12.2020 16:50:45

Greetings, I was just on your website and submitted this message via your "contact us" form. The feedback page on your site sends you messages like this via email which is why you are reading through my message at this moment right? That's the most important achievement with any type of advertising, getting people to actually READ your message and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have an advertisement you would like to blast out to tons of websites via their contact forms in the US or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even focus on specific niches and my costs are super reasonable. Write an email to:

Tammie 25.12.2020 09:32:58

Sick of paying big bucks for ads that suck? Now you can post your ad on thousands of ad websites and it'll cost you less than $40. Never pay for traffic again! To find out more check out our site here:

Delia 29.12.2020 01:21:21

Want to find more buyers for your website or online store? We can deliver targeted visitors precisely for your business model For more info Check out:

Tania 29.12.2020 05:55:22

Do you want to post your advertisement on tons of online ad sites every month? One tiny investment every month will get you almost unlimited traffic to your site forever! Check out our site now:

Prodejní doba ZIMA

Po - Pá 9 – 12 / 13 -17 hod.

So - Ne zavřeno.

Vážení zákazníci, děkujeme za Vaši přízeň v roce 2024, jen díky Vám jsme vstoupili do 30. prodejní sezóny. Ať Vám to jezdí, pevné zdraví a dobrou náladu všem přeje ŠELA SPORT!

P.S. Leden a únor je nejlepší čas na předsezónní servis, chytří přijdou včas, ostatní v březnu a dubnu :- ). Není třeba se objednávat, jednoduše přivezte své miláčky...




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